Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Dimension to Health.... !!!

    I recommend all of you to read this blog in your spare time or make some time to read this as it is worth!
This is not a quick reference guide. It is about a revolution in yourself. To discover a new "self". (just like I have did recently). And Obviously, not a promotional AD or some non-sense that we come across in TVs and many websites..

So, please read every line carefully....

I would like to start this blog with a saying which is most meaningful and most appropriate for this generation.

"HEALTH IS WEALTH!!!"......  Too Commonly heard isn't it?..

Good Health, Burning fat, Getting fit, having 6-pack abs.... etc etc... have grown and still growing into a multi-billion dollar projects in decades.
Life has become so much easier now..
We have advanced transportation facility(no need to walk), Very tasty foods(filled with fats and sugars)!! TVs, Computers,Mobiles, Social networking sites (to lure our time and to make us sit like a rock in front of them..)....etc.... For which we tend to spend time without thinking about our own body and its metabology.

My motto and my goal has never been to live Longer... Like living for 100?? Naaah... 

A healthy life for a week is way more happier and good than a 100 years of life with the aid of pills, medication and by troubling ourselves along with others.

Lets face the reality.. No one knows how long we live. No one can decide either.. But we have one thing under our control.  "Quality of our life"..

If You are aware of your body and its co-ordination with mind and have done some experimentation on your body and mind, you can download the free guides from link below.

You can go to the download section of PDF files and start implementing them. (in the end of this post).

However, I strongly recommend you to read my entire post.

Now, let me tell you.. by saying "health" .. I don't mean these things...
i) 6-pack abs.
ii) Huge Biceps.
iii) Flat Stomach.
iv) Muscular body
etc etc etc.... Which almost everyone dreams of getting these days..

What I mean by saying 'health' is..

i) Understanding your own body and its iteration according to mind.
ii) Elevated level of Concentration.
iii) Natural body Strength and Stamina. (at least to lift your own weight).
iv) Strong Immune power.
v) Strong Digestive,Respirative and metabolic system.
vi) Disease resistance.
vii) Improved imagination,visualisation,analyzing,classification and thinking ability.

The key point here is to understand and Interact with nature. The Goal is to be a part of nature rather than running away from it in the name of technology, trends, latest-ness...etc..

okie okie.... Let me not drag you more and make you feel that I am saying some unrelieved stuffs..

The title says.. "A new Dimension to health" I will stick to it.

         I follow Combination of  aerobics, food routine and most importantly..  the ancient YOGA to achieve this goal.
Because yoga,if properly practiced can mould anything in our body as well as mind according to our wish.
Hold on... Hold on......
Now, I have seen that most of the people (including athletics ) think that  Yoga is all about of some difficult twisting postures,Some long breaths, standing upside down... etc etc...

The answer is both YES and NO..

The main idea of Yoga is to change your life style... Rather than 'perform' it for some time. Its not an extra effort. Its not something for which you need extra time and space.

You will get loads of info in the net if you search for yoga.
So, I am not going to waste my time, energy and the page for writing the same.

My observation:
1) Whenever people get something for free, they neglect it.
2) When the same stuff which is provided by a doctor or a gym instructor with hefty fees, People think its very true and worth and also set them as goals!!
3) People are also so much hung up in daily needs and efforts to satisfy these needs that they forget the need of that need... (yeah.. bit confusing)...
4) Last but most true observation......When people watch some cool action movie or movies with lot of muscles,  when they come across a situation where they feel that their health is not up to the mark, and when  People listen to these kind of stuffs....
They are like...... "Yes... Yesss... From tomorrow I am going to change..I will follow this everyday, I can do it.. I will do it.... "..... then they do "do-it"... for 4 days....
After that..... ."AAAh... I am not meant for this.. Why to trouble myself doing all these..Let me do it from next week...... then next month..... then next year........ postpone it forever..."!!!
Some over-clever people think... "Anyways, I am not going to do these stuffs.. Why waste time on thinking about it... " ...

In my words, and experience, if you follow these steps, I bet you can see a difference:

1) Yoga is a Daily routine. Just like you spend time to have bath, have breakfast, lunch,dinner, watch TV... etc... Yoga is one of them.
2) An event which is worth 1000 times the time spent towards it is called..... Yoga.
3) You don't have to get up early in the morning at 3am, 5am etc to do yoga.. any(appropriate) time will do.
4) We are what we EAT!! So, keep track of your food. LOVE Your Food!!!

5) Yoga is a practice not a medication or medicine. It takes long time to see the real effects. That's the reason why I am posting this after 3 years of continuous practice which yielded results to me.
6) Final... but most important. It has made a difference to me... I am sure it will make to you too... of course... if you believe:-)

 Just to Demonstrate:
   A Small stress-busting exercise to relax you and bring a smile on your face.... ( I figured it out recently)..

When ever you feel stressed out, uneasy, sad, low....etc..... I have a quick , short exercise to your mind..
When we are hurt from outside, I mean.. externally, we apply balms, oil etc.. and massage.... This exercise works the same way.. but its meant for... the 'inside'..

Let me tell you something before beginning the exercise.. Every human has 2 minds.. An external and an internal .
External is something which commands us.. which we all know..External feelings like our thoughts, imagination, confusion, Shy...etc.. are because of this mind. These are controllable through proper practice and guidance.
The other one is internal.. Which is absolutely not under our control. It is stable and strong. It takes the shape of our deeds. Yes...  What we do...
That's why we have sayings like.. "Be good, Do good"...
Our internal mind is responsible for internal feelings.. Fear, happiness, Sorrows, Hesitation... etc.....

See its not too complex to understand... Its really simple.. But nowadays, we are so busy, so involved in our jobs, relationships, medias..... That we care for everything in this world.. except ourselves!!!

Lets get on the floor now...

1) A nice calm place. Not necessarily a super silent or cool place.. Just a comfortable place.
2) A mat or a bed.
3) Slow and Calm music... Very relaxing ones.. Not movie songs or any band songs.. Preferably an instrumental one.. Like flute, violene.. etc..(This is optional, not compulsory).
4) Wear Clean, Loose-Fitting cloths.Any colour will do.
5) Total care of your breathing.
Also make sure that you are neither in empty stomach nor just after a heavy meal..
An hour or two after breakfast or lunch will be perfect.

  • Spread the Mat/bed and Lie down on it.
  • Lie down like a dead body. Yes.. No stiff muscles, no worries.. Just like a dead body.
  • No pillows or extra comforting stuffs should be used..
  • This exercise is to relax the inner mind and massage it. :-)
  • Also, From now on.. Its crucial that you understand what I am saying.. :-)

Every person will have a past. In that past, there will few moments which sooths the mind.A place which if you think, makes you forget everything in present and makes you fly to the past...
 For Ex: Your school ground when you used to play small games with your little buddies, Your Grandmother's house in a village where you used to eat tasty crispy food chatting with her, A volleyball court where you used to play with all the concentration to win, An old building where you used to punch the sand-bag and practice for boxing,  A hotel where you used to have your ice-cream with your dad/mom, A tree below which you used to booze and have fun with your classmates, A small yard where you used to play with your puppy, A beach side walk with your partner/alone, a cricket playground, the place can even be your mom's lap. Some people also prefer riding a bike in a straight broad highway.

Just make sure that the place you choose is free from any negative things like hate, scoldings, quarrel... etc... The place where you felt either very relaxing or where you used to spend time in such a way that you never noticed the time pass by.Where you want to be forever. Where you think.. "Wish I could Stop the time from passing by"!!!

I always prefer Places.. but not a person. This is because the feeling that a place gave us remains same throughout.. But with person?? You know... It keeps changing..
If at all you want you can remember that person provided you never had a break in relation. Otherwise the negative feelings will impose the negative energy in you and the purpose of this exercise will be totally ruined. So be very sure in this regard.

If you are going to the latter, the person may be your dad, mom, best childhood friend, late grand parents, boy/girl friend, a person whom you always want to be with.. Don't worry.. Its in your imagination.. No harm will be done to any other's feelings... :-)

First, before closing your eyes, set the place where you want to travel and the person with whom you want to... (if at all you want a company). Make sure you have only one place in mind at a time.. Also, make sure of the time of the day.. is it early morning or evening or after noon..

Throughout the exercise, breath slowly and calmly.. This is very very important. The nerves in our brain and body are relaxed when we breath slowly..

Slowly close your eyes.... Just travel to the place.... Travel to the place which you had set... Hold the hand of the person with whom you want to...
Travelling takes just micro seconds.. Our mind is so damn fast!!

Ok, now you have reached to that place..What do you see?? These images will be directly projected from your memories..
So, you won't see a new thing... Everything you see will be a copy-pasted stuff from past.
What are you waiting for? Do something there.. Play with your buddy if its a playful place..
Walk, run, swim..... if its a beach....
Jump, skip, skid if its a adventurous place.... etc.. etc... Do whatever it is..according to the place...

Remember.. If you have been with a person, avoid to do anything which is mutual... :-) You know what I am talking about..
Trust me.. Its not good to imagine such things while meditating.. Meditation has a different purpose.. And its definitely Not fantasising!!! :-D

Ok, Now after playing or running or jumping... Its time for you to take some rest....
Look at the pleasant sky, lie down there too.. :-) ( you have to lie down there).

Now, If you have time and energy in real time, travel to another place from there.. Or else...

Follow these steps carefully...
Close your eyes in the travelled place..Slowly and very slowly.. . And as you close your eyes there.. You have to open your eyes here...
It should be in sync.. Like.. when your eyes are half closed there, it should be half open here..
Slowly wake up, get up, rub the muscles of your eyes, face, hand, legs, body.. warm it up.. and stand up...

The next time when you do this.. You have to start it from the same place where you closed your eyes.

I hope its not too complex.

Do this everyday.. Once or twice a day.. Don't repeat this as it may be addictive! and slowly becomes in-effective!

I am sure after doing this, you will be filled with good thoughts, hopes and confidence.. :-)

#Note: Results depend on individuals according to the effectiveness of the place/person and what kind of memory it is. !!!!  
 This is not only a stress-buster but also helps brain to  harvest more good thoughts and good emotions.

ALL THE BEST... :-)  STAY FIT..  Physically and Mentally... :-) 

Last But Most Important... !!!        

DOWNLOAD SECTION: Here are some pdfs which I have referred so far.. .It may come in handy to you too... . (All of them are 100% Free.. :-D )  (Doesn't mean that they lack quality!! )

Download and Start making maximum use of these.... :-)

Practice which ever is easy for you and you are interested in .


I am not a physician or Magician  or a medical practitioner nor a psychiatrist. I am just a normal guy with some knowledge to share.
This has shown good results to me.. That doesn't mean it will show to you too.. I just hope for it.
I am neither recommending these to you nor advertising this.So please don't blame me id it didn't work out. However, you can mail me if you are not sure and want to know about something mentioned above.. Do these at your own risk.

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